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Old 01-22-2017, 12:01 PM
Karthil Karthil is offline

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Join Date: May 2016
Location: Sunnydale
Posts: 386

My experience is that porters are always more than happy to port people no matter what they pay (don't forget most, if not all, do CRs and newbie ports for free). But if you're around lvl 30ish or higher and you're not tipping 1p per level up to 50p, you're being cheap.

You can argue about whether or not the porter should be doing something for others out of the kindness of their hearts, but don't forget that the same argument can be used against you (i.e. you should be generously tipping them out of the kindness of YOUR heart--particularly if you can easily afford it). In the end, you're choosing to be cheap and then arguing that they should be porting as some sort of service to the community.

I'm all for a strong, friendly, and cooperative community, but that goes both ways. Expecting someone to play the game a certain way for your benefit and not valuing that service enough to want them to benefit at the same time is cheap.