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Old 09-14-2019, 08:04 AM
skorge skorge is offline
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Default <Riot> and <Aftermath> are Horrible Guild Names

After taking a 5+ year break I come back to these 2 guilds being top dogs. The question is, who is responsible for coming up with these 2 names? I would perma ban them from the server. They don't belong here.

Riot is just pure laziness...sounds like you had a bunch of random guys just shout out random words and you picked one. Also, what are your rioting? The other neckbeards on the server for phat loot?

Aftermath sounds way too nerdy. The word math should never be used in a guild name, under any conditions. One word guild names should be banned as well. They just sounds so millennial (makes it feel that people don't have the time to think of something creative so they get lazy and pick a single random word).

At least put the word "the" in front of them. Doing this at least makes the name sound more epic (ie. "The Aftermath"). The Riot still sounds kindergarteny. Notice I just made that word least it's something unique, unlike both of your names.

Guild names should be at minimum 2 words, preferably 3. TMO was an awesome name for example (they were the top dogs when I last played).

I recommend you guys /petition and change your guild's name to something more awesome and respectable. Freakin' Riot and Aftermath. Lame.