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Old 12-19-2019, 01:00 PM
Polycaster Polycaster is offline

Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 143

This is pure murder done under the guise of international sanction. This all started when the erudite kang decided that the halfling's gift of a yellow cake was unworthy, and presented the yellow cake to the Grand Council of Antonica as proof of the Halfling's perfidious nature.

But here is the thing... THERE NEVER WAS ANY YELLOW CAKE! It was a prop used to justify an unjust war of aggression and greed.

The OP also mentions several "losers" whose actions are submitted as justifications for further acts of aggression against halflings, but those "losers" were actually killing halflings as well, and so were on the same side as the war mongers. These false flag attacks cannot be allowed to stand as a justification for war.

If we do not act now, this is what it will lead to:
Jignutz, gnome necro of the 50th drama thread