Thread: Who started it?
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Old 05-22-2020, 05:56 PM
Phaezed-Reality Phaezed-Reality is offline

Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 408

You know, it really isn't the whole of kingdom. And i been in a guild that used propoganda before. And i bought it hook line and sinker, I had no idea what my guild was saying was bullshit until i joined the other guild and realized it was. And i wouldn't expect the avg rank and file to understand this situation. My beef is with the people that know these untruths and still hammer it to the rest.

This post was to see what we thought was going on, and it confirms it. They are still telling their members untruths. They have continually showed up here with bad information and are so right in their minds that they know whats going on they are willing to post it publicly because it has been spoken truth to them.

I do not blame them. I blame the people feeding them lies to make sure they don't look like the bad guys.