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Old 03-20-2021, 02:23 PM
Taiku Taiku is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Ohio
Posts: 244

Both my Iksar necros did the red wine quest soon as I got gather shadows, just invis in to the turn in guy and hand in like 7 backpacks of red wine, it doesn't help with the major caster factions, but it's a good place to start, the guards, foreign quarter merchants, and the banker/merchant in commons will all love you, watch out for the one dark elf (wizard)? who patrols around near the fountain over the bank area, he will still be KoS!

Might be a good idea to make a dark elf and scope out the route to the library for the turn in first, and watch that wizard's patrol route.
Khet - Level 59 Iksar Necromancer
Taiku - Level 34 Iksar Monk

Amualia - Level 59 Dark-Elf Cleric
Maruki - Level 23 Iksar BONEKNIGHT
Lorelai - Level 54 High-Elf Enchanter