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Old 02-23-2022, 05:32 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Role of STR on P99 Blue

The source code for EQ Emulator calculates max damage based on Weapon Damage, STR, Offense Skill, Class, and Player Level. This algorithm may have been changed on P99, but here it is for reference:

[Max Damage] = ([Mod] x [Weapon Damage]) + [Main Hand Bonus] (rounded down)
[Weapon Damage] is the damage listed on the weapon.
[Main hand bonus] is always 0 for non-melee characters, and weapons wielded in the off-hand.
[Main hand bonus] for one handed weapons is: ([Player Level] - 25) / 3 (rounded down)
[Mod] is calculated as: ([Offense Skill] + [STR]) / 100
If [Mod] is less than 2, then 2 is used instead.
If [Player Level] is less than 10, then [Max Weapon Damage] is capped at 10.
If [Player Level] is less than 20, then [Max Weapon Damage] is capped at 14 (for melee, see lists above).
So at low levels, [Max Damage] is always twice the listed weapon damage unless you have enough Offense and Strength to have a Mod higher than 2. For the critera above, a level 50 melee character using a 10 damage weapon, with 200 offense skill and 250 strength, max damage would be calculated as:

[Mod] = (200 + 250) / 100 = 4.5
[Main Hand Bonus] = (50 - 25) / 3 = 8
[Max Damage] = (4.5 x 10) + 8 = 53
Note that increased damage from strength is applied to both main hand and off hand weapons, and is a multiplier through [Mod]. The level based [Main Hand Bonus] is a flat number that is only added to the main hand weapon and is not affected by strength.

Similarly, Str seems to have a role in the Back Stab damage multiplier.

Strength is also important as it increases the carry capacity you can achieve before you start to lose agility (decreased agility can make you get hit more often, reduce your class AC bonus for monks/rogues and even slow down your walk/run speed).

Personally I find str super helpful for characters that I don't expect to spend a lot of time hanging out with level 60 shamans. If you are gonna twink and power level to 55+ for raiding then the stat is far less valuable.

Orc fang earrings are good. I use gold amber earrings as a place holder as they are super easy to get made.

Choose a slot and sort by STR then go for items that are commonly sold or easily farmed.

are a few easy to get +str bracers

Don't neglect your defence skill.

Gorgen (Blue) - Agnostic Troll Warrior of the XXXI Dung

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