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Old 09-03-2017, 12:22 PM
Gumbo Gumbo is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 672

I played EQ back in '98 and even today, I have no problem soloing Ice Giants because at times it's relaxing and not much of the whole daily grind.

Most of the players I know who show up are on the more friendly basis and if I have the front camp or the back camp. They will ask me to let them know when I'm leaving so they can take over. If I do happen to want to play for awhile and they are waiting then I'll ask them to watch the camp so I can go sell and they can take any IG that pop while I'm gone. I've done this over a hundred times by now and not once has anyone complained saying I left the camp and have always been cool about giving the camp back.

A camp is a camp and if someone has it then you wait for it or go elsewhere. I mean I have seen level 60 Necros and Shamans sitting on all 3 IG's and not wanting to be cool and split the camps up. Try dealing with that when they are sitting there for 4 or 5 hours...