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Old 03-29-2021, 12:42 AM
Petel Petel is offline

Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 34

A few notes about rains. Some have already been said, other have not.
1. The number of targets hit depends on the number of mobs. (a) If there's one target, it will be hit by 3 waves. (b) If there are two targets, they both will be hit by 2 waves, resulting in 4 times to base damage. (c) If there are 3 or more mobs, only 3 mobs will be hit by the rain.
2. A rain spell can not kill a mob and if it's a blowing spell it will not land.
3. You can be hit by your own rain spells, and so in contrast to 2 above, a rain spell can land a death blow ...on you! (Yes, I died to my own rain spell).
4. For the same reason (3) above, rain spells are not good for belly caster mobs, simply because you will hit yourself.

The resist rate seems to be around 20-25%. I've parsed a long log file and on my wizard and these are the numbers I've seen. 67 resists, 213 lands. This is 67/(67+213) which is 23.9%.

Now the numbers. I'm comparing Tears of Prexus, our best wizard rain, at 20% resist rate with Ice Spear of Solist, a super efficient wizard DPM. Ice spear of Solist is rarely resisted on a "regular" non-ice resistant mob.
* Ice Spear of Solist does 1200 damage at 300 mana which is 4 DPM.
* Tears of Prexus does 690 damage per wave at 437 mana.

So for a single target, and taking into account a resist rate of 20% you get a DPM of 690*3/437*.8=3.79 for Tears of Prexus. Still less than Ice Spear of Solisst.

On two targets, and assuming you could orient them next to each other (doable with roots), you get a DMP of 690*4/437*.8=5.05. Notice 2 waves hit 2 targets. This is the only scenario where Tears outdo regular DD that I've found.


- Petel