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Old 05-19-2019, 02:29 AM
Trivonus Trivonus is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 116
Default Runnyeye Citadel Mob HP Regen Broken

All the mobs (at least the ones on the first floor adjacent to the zone-in to Misty Thicket) regen at an out of combat regen rate while in combat. I saw ticks for around 3% a server tick up in HP regardless of mob level or mob strength, so I seriously doubt it was a buff cast on the monsters.

I'm pretty sure this is just absolutely broken, and most people avoid this place like the plague in the first place for leveling. Maybe, the real reason is that this bug makes the place seem harder than it is.

Specifically, all the goblin mobs near zone-in to Misty Thicket in Runnyeye Citadel have their hp tick up during combat at about 3% per server tick.

Please fix if able.