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Old 04-27-2017, 09:56 AM
Razaz Razaz is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 35

So are you trying to do this on a budget or do you not mind porting forever to get plat? I'll make some suggestions which will be cheaper or you can camp yourself.

You could go for Jasper Gold Earrings, same +Wis as Forest Loop and a lot cheaper.

You could quest your own Testament of Vanear and Paw of Opolla combo. You'll lose some +mana over your choices but gain +wis and not spend money.

Something like a Platinum Ruby Veil is not nearly as good as Crystal Spider Eyes but a fraction of the cost and a big +wis boost.

A Runed Circlet is a lot cheaper, but again, +wis and not straight mana like the Tiara.

The 5/55 rings will give you a nice hp buffer, otherwise you could go for something cheap like plat jasper rings for more +wis.

If you run out to KC, you might get lucky and see a supple scale armband rotting, otherwise you can go camp Chipped Bone Bracelets yourself, same +wis as the mithril just without the strength.

Are these going to be BiS items? No, but will give you a boost without spending too much.