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Old 06-23-2016, 02:09 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2,791
Default Why you should join Aftermath

Blackstar, Mace of Night for 1 DKP. You see, we got so many dragons lately that even our top raiders are out of DKP.

This is a great time to app. If you can make 1 weeks worth of raids in a month, from a pure time investment vs pixils perspective, Aftermath is the clear choice.

This is not propaganda or spin. I am honestly informing your that Aftermath is a stable guild that has always done well with loot, and atm they are clearly the best option for players new and old to the raid scene.

After awakened gets off from their suspension (leadership blunder other guilds saw coming), this will not fundamentally change. We are still a guild that gets similar pixils (some weeks more, some less, we usually get Vulak) but has less competition for those pixils within.

I don't have to lie. Because it's true. But ill be honest, we kindda suck at PR.

There's also a lot of cool people in the guild, and I personally don't need the pixils to stay.