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Old 01-15-2020, 02:39 PM
Arogarn Arogarn is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 145

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, I did not intend to deceive and imply that the Research Aid quest is already in game. It will not be implemented until February most likely, and I would not presume to make this transaction before the quest can be verified functional.

I do not have 16 bags full on any given character that could be screenshotted but I do ultimately have many more than that which I've been farming for a few weeks while my friend catches up to my level.

I've posted this ahead of time to try to coordinate a trade ahead of time, it's a bulk opportunity to obtain a bunch of these for an alt without having to auction for them. I play odd late night hours so auctionquest doesn't offer fantastic exposure.