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Old 06-07-2021, 08:00 AM
Barlu Barlu is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 741

Having recently Solo’d my Pally to 60 I feel like I have some pretty good insight on this. It will be faster than most people think and I was pleasantly surprised by it.

To answer your question on the shield, I would prioritize getting a Greatspear of Dawn or a Dawncaller with the Spear being better. It makes a huge difference once you start doing KC Basement/Turnkey. If you get Dawncaller I would still invest in a good ratio 2 hander like Rocksmasher. When I was weapon swapping between Dawncaller, Primal, and Rocksmasher I didn’t even bother using the shield. Would just try to proc Dawncaller then switch. Primal makes a huge difference with attack but not sure if that is something you were considering.

You absolutely have to have a Deepwater Bp if you want this to be efficient (DS Pots also). The 307 HP heal you can use out of combat with a mob rooted is huge. It’s also really key later when you get a Dawncall proc and can just step out and heal up while the dot is ticking.

At 52 I would do guards in Neriak 3rd gate. They are cleric mobs and Dark Blue even still at 54. The Cheal at 40% makes them pretty easy since you can just stun them and then keep hacking away. These are decent experience and you also get the benefit of maxing priests of life faction before you leave. The biggest thing though is you need to get to 54 where you get instill.

With instill you have a lot more flexibility in terms of camping our a bad pull. For me I only use either calm or pacify. Both have roughly the same Agro reduction with Paci being slightly better and calm being a lot less mana and lasting less than half the time. If I’m only lulling 1-2 mobs I’m going to save mana and use Calm. If it’s a bigger room with 5 mobs I like to use Paci. This way if I get one or two Paci and then get a crit I should be able to camp out with Paci still on the first few so I’m not starting the room over again. Also, if you are doing a lot of calming a Luminary 2 handed sword is a nice charisma buff.

I didn’t use the Reckless Strength or Yaulp line leveling. I felt like best use of mana was for Root which allowed me to heal up and keep fighting.

I have the greaves and the strength buff is nice since I’m a high elf. Probably wouldn’t matter for certain races depending on gear. Helm is nice to have for mana and regrant free heal. Bracer nice too for the stun on the clerics in 3rd gate. Overall though BP is king.

Leveling as best as I remember
52-54 Neriak 3rd Gate
54+ Lower Guk Magi plus Lord Hall
54-58? Mermaids in Kedge (solid plat drops and huge zem and never camped)
58-60 KC Basement/Turnkey
55+ Random Velks spiders when you get burnt out elsewhere

Think this answered all of it. Good luck!