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Old 06-08-2021, 03:16 PM
kvoe1 kvoe1 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 18

As a solo Paladin who just hit 50 I am also looking for advice on continuing to 60. I am not against grouping it is just nearly impossible to find them so I just plan to keep on soloing. My gear is not good at all and there is no way I will ever be able to get either of the weapons that proc Dawncall so I was hoping there would be more replies suggesting other good spots to solo for someone with average at best gear. It hasnt been easy and has been a slow grind (years and years) to get to 50 but I do have DW helm now so that helps..I just hit 50 soloing the Geos in CC but want to move on to a new spot. Any other suggestions would be appreciated!