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Old 12-14-2020, 04:20 PM
hotkarlmarxbros hotkarlmarxbros is offline

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 121

You're right, I left out the original rules that I agree with. Would still have to be winning roll loots and turns in, no LR sales. Scout can be done with less than a full group, and Angry and Ring 8 can be duoed. Angry already has this timed aspect, and as we've seen from other rnf threads, is rarely enforced. Likely only if the staff feels one way about a party, then they are free to punish or 'let them off with a warning' depending on who it is and how they are feeling that day.

As for the "fine as is" argument, I would argue that it is very Not Fine As Is.

Ring 8 roll seems to have been cleaned up a bit as it became more popular and had its wiki entry updated, so rather than a small group of people arguing there are only a few people who are out of line and easily told to fall in line by the majority. But you still have to wait a minimum of 30 minutes after winning a roll, and that's only right after a quake. As the timer drifts you are stuck waiting increasing amounts of time and the opportunity for shenanigans only increases (people selling LR, looting on non-winning characters, others coming up demanding a roll, etc). Roll on pop would eliminate all of that, and if things weren't above board it would be easily documented and sent to GMs (or more likely here for a thorough roasting first).

Scout and Angry have a problem with everyone casually parking out and rolling for end-game loot for zero effort or coordination expended. Bring your level 38 ranger, it's totally fine. People have been stuck there for months trying to win, but are forced to wait in the handout line with everyone else because of some arbitrary ruling they never agreed to. FWIW I don't go to scout any more, I've already won talismans/bracers for any character I care about. But in my opinion forcing people who could handle the content to wait behind anyone and everyone who just shows up with dice in their hand is pretty bullshit.