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Old 12-08-2019, 08:06 PM
Nagoya Nagoya is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 674

broadly speaking in vanilla i think you'll want your 1HS, Piercing and 2HS capped at every level. Which really isn't difficult past level 6 or so (at the very begining sure you might level up faster than it takes to cap them all), don't worry.

1HB and 2HB I'm at 21 and I'll raise them if I have a reason to at some point, but I'm not worried.

Finally, keep in mind that DEX is the attribute that determines weapon skill-ups. so when you are specifically trying to raise one weapon type you might wanna ask a shaman for some DEX buff, it will help a little!
Nausicaa, Barbarian Warrior of the Wind ♡45♡
Nagoya, Halfling Druid of Karana ♡54♡