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Old 10-06-2017, 11:19 AM
AdrenolineLove AdrenolineLove is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 103

If anyone could roll for anyone else than an entire guild can just show up and roll every time. Bring 50 people all roll for one person every single time. Hell even if that person doesnt need it, they can lock this mob down as a way to make their guild money since they will be the only ones winning the roll and can sell them for 20k.

The people like you and me who are showing up every 10 hours are putting time and work in deserve a fair shot. Ive helped kill Captain 100 times. Why should I help 1 person get the item just so he can make 20k when there are people who have been coming for months because its an actual upgrade?

Thats horse shit. Go farm something else if you need money you broke bitch.

Glittersings / Glittercharms / Glitterheals <Anonymous>