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Old 08-06-2019, 08:15 AM
hotkarlmarxbros hotkarlmarxbros is offline

Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 121
Default I swear the server is filled with three year olds

Three year olds whose vocabulary consists only of the word "MINE!" and nothing else.

Here is the situation: Fragmented is killing all three ice giants outside of permafrost. Great. He can have the two spawn, now that I'm here, I will take the single spawn. I assume this goes without saying because these are two separate camps as there is nowhere you could sit maintaining LOS on all three mobs (which I could be mistaken, please correct me if I'm wrong). After killing the single spawn we come back to a bit of an outburst.


After stating this, his buddy Scrody shows up and sits at the two spawn and he plops down next to me at the single spawn, ready to nuke down the ice giant when he pops:


As there are no GMs on, I humbly submit this to RnF in hopes of getting some clarification. Are all three ice giants a single camp making me the asshole here? Or is the single spawn a separate camp and Fragmented is in the wrong?