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Old 04-30-2020, 05:28 PM
strongNpretty strongNpretty is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: Skatepark, WA
Posts: 846

It's definitely charming and fear kiting aminals... I've always done the gators in Oasis... But at 24 you've probably outgrown the deepwater crocs.. or maybe not? They are yellow to me sometimes at 19?

But basically depending on your mana pool and how you want to go about it-

You can charm a pet.
Feral spirit your pet.
Thorns your pet.
Snare your pet.
snare your target.
Fear your target while your pet beats on them.
Thorn your pet and let the 2 duke it out..

But when your pet is low on health, break charm, root old pet if it's not already running due to low health, and recharm a new one! Rinse and repeat!!

But those are kinda your options, and you can mix them up however you see fit on your style!