Thread: Miscellaneous: Robe of Living Fungus
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Old 01-03-2021, 04:19 PM
Meiva Meiva is offline

Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 392

Really solid find, but I'm not convinced that this is in response to a patch and not simply in response to a conversation about the robe regen on a forum. The "allegations of a "nerf"' line suggests discussion of an upcoming change? He is then more misleading when he says

The robe was incredibly imbalancing
Leads you to assume the robe has been nerfed as it's past tense. BUT I also read it as there is a thread on the EQ forums where there was maybe confirmation from a dev of an upcoming nerf. Likely as a warning to players of a change to come. Why it would come 7 months later, I'm not too sure.

Yea that's a good find. I'm not convinced either way now.