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Old 12-14-2011, 04:49 AM
Darwoth Darwoth is offline

Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 614
Default need to respawn with no mana on pvp death

dont know why this still is not working but it gets real old being unable to push someone off of your spawn in spite of killing them 3 dozen times due to the fact that xp loss on death is nonexistent and they just respawn with as much mana as they had when they died.

so, you kill the guy.

he is bound 3 feet away

he tries to mem spells and attack

you kill him again

he is bound 3 feet away

he tries to mem spells and attack

you kill him again

he is bound 3 feet away

he tries to mem spells and attack

you are now out of mana, he mems spells and attacks and you can gate or die.

pretty fucking stupid and rewards the shit players that do not mind being killed 500 times, as it stands now the guy who wins is the one pushed from the zone. how is that correct?
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