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Old 06-02-2021, 07:50 AM
Barlu Barlu is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 741

If your warrior friend can sneak (halfling only warrior with sneak?) you can just go ahead and have him turn in his pipe then you turn in your pipe and robe.

However, if he can’t your best bet is definitely to find an enchanter and I would recommend finding one with Dictate. That gives you both 48 seconds to do your turn in with no risk of charm breaking and turn in getting messed up. I also know that Balatin does despawn. I can’t remember on Blue or Green will despawn while agro,but the wiki note suggests he does on Red. Last thing you’d want is charm to break after one person did the turn in and despawn.

To avoid risking it I’d just have the enchanter and your warrior friend camped out at his spawn while you kill the Phs ready to log in once you get a pop. Kind of annoying but getting to this part takes a ton of work and not worth risking it.