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Old 08-10-2020, 02:14 AM
RecondoJoe RecondoJoe is offline

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 241

Originally Posted by Arteker [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
im going to debunk ur shit one at time.

1:retail wow, u claim rogue has 36 keybinds , my 3,1k rogue says hi with 8 keybinds. kill 0. 1 2 3 4 5 (+Shift) Q R F X C (+Shift or Strg) and u are on excess

2: classic wow isnt the same as a a pack of mobs die on the same time u take down a single mob in everquest, different system of lvling . aswell instances .

3: ur skill lvl in everquest is based on ur ability to play ur class and read situations ,same as wow .

4[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]n retail u can be 470 i lvl max cloack and loaded on corruption if u know ur shit

5[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]vp Grief on everquest was harsher bloodier than it was ever on wow, corpse camp, steal items . train wreck,,,,,,,, unlike wow where u can just mount up and fly away .

6: u cannot one shot in wow? TD and infinite stars stacking says hi.u could one shot on all xpacks of wow minus legion due to pvp templates.

7: the longest pvp 1vs1 on everquest raged for 3 hours , that was a record of sullon zek .

8:scripted pve raid bosses are easy as fuck its mostly a dps fight while move from a to B. As someone who raided wow hardcore and everquest havings world firsts on both games i maintain UQUA in eq trumps any raid zone ever devised by blizard on pure hardcore . even more than original unnerfed firelands.
1) Are you actually trying to argue that playing a Rogue in EverQuest which involves standing there and pressing backstab every 10 seconds takes more skill than a Rogue in EverQuest? On P99 people on my friends list damn near lose their mind when I tell them what my key binds are -- they can't even fathom having a keybind set to Q or X, or C (N is my consider button). It just blows their mind -- I frequently tell people if they played WoW it would make them a much better EQ player. As a Cleric I vividly remember my Enchanter having his mind completely blown at how I'm able to target mobs and root them faster than he can mez them -- this same Enchanter is considered "good" by P99 standards. Reality is, this game runs about 10x slower than WoW and requires about 90% less keyboard input. Clicking on a mob and pressing root is only mechanically challenging for the P99 community because 90% of them are boomers who have never played modern games.

2) I play Classic and Retail -- most people who are serious about WoW do.

3) In EverQuest there's usually 1 person doing most of the work for an entire group. Are you telling me that the Cleric, Warrior and Magician who are sitting at Kobold Royals, waiting on their monk to pull mobs to them is having to read the situation? Are they displaying amazing situational awareness, and mechanics? No. I think it's funny because I see this frequently pointed out in this thread where there's "more skill involved" because pulling can be dangerous, and it's like, so you have a raid with 40 people in it, and 2 people pulling, and this somehow translates into the other 38 players displaying incredible skill at pulling by sitting there tabbed out on youtube waiting for their free loot?

4) No one said it's hard to get 470 ILVL, the reality is, it takes months. This is THE main reason that no one plays an alt in BFA and new or returning players get frustrated and quit the game. It would take them literally months of grinding to to catch up. There is no getting around this. In EverQuest you can buy some CB belts and Goblin ears, twink a character with BIS eveything and be level 50 with full planar in well under a month. A month in WoW might get you Nazjatar reputation. My own excerpts talking about this months before I even knew P99 existed.

Not to mention the fact that you have to actively play WoW to keep your raid spot. The context of the conversation we're having is essentially if someone just bought WoW today, how long would it take them to reach end-game? Literally months. But BFA has been out for 3 years, and new content was released frequently the entire time. To hold your spot in a raid team, that means those players had to actively raid the entire time, weekly, rather than sitting AFK in EC Tunnel or logging off completely until the next patch drops (which is what most people on P99 do once they get their planar). That might work in EQ, but in WoW, you'll be quickly replaced and forgotten about.

5) You make no sense. In some points of your post you reference Classic, and in others you do not. Did people in classic just turn on their flying mounts that don't exist and fly away? No? Was flying allowed in any of the PVP zones like Isle of Thunder? No? Have the last 3 expacs been released with no flying? Yes? Do you even play this game? The fact that you're actually delusional enough to compare EQ PVP to WoW is just... like I don't even think the biggest EQ fan boys would describe it's PVP as good.

6) You just contradicted yourself again. The rest of these boomers don't play WoW so they have no idea, but we both know you just listed two items that takes months of grinding to get (and some people never get them because they have bad luck). These are also two items that require the stars to align perfectly to actually be useful, and even then, I've literally never gotten one shotted by any of them. I main a fucking Rogue and when I duel other Rogues I don't even stealth, I let them open on me, and then after they blow all of their cool downs I turn around and destroy them. I never dip below 40% HP even eating everything they can throw at me.

7) This sounds similar to watching a Blood DK duel a Holy Paladin in WoW. This is not a display of skill or high level gameplay, and is the main reason that they were forced to add time limits to arenas.

8) So you think that sitting along a wall in PoF and PoH while people deliver free loot to you requires more skill than WoW raiding? I actually started laughing as I typed this because I started having flashbacks from my first time "raiding" on P99. A far cry from the terror it was 20 years ago.