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Old 06-12-2019, 04:50 PM
stebbins99 stebbins99 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 362
Default Defensive skill-ups via dueling someone with pet?

Hi guys,

So, I have a cleric that has led a squishy life and hasn't had to take many hits over the levels. Thus, his defensive and melee skills are all awful.

Aside from finding the lowest-level mobs that still offer exp and face-tanking them, I wondered if it was possible to level-up skills by dueling someone? Perhaps a shaman wolf pet that still cons "low blue?"

I'm not aware how this works but am very curious. If dueling can result in skill-ups, would the duel have to occur in a PVP area (ie arena)? Or could we just duel in the EC tunnel?

Any thoughts and info are appreciated!