Thread: GM Burtken
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Old 08-24-2018, 12:34 PM
Nirgon Nirgon is offline

Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Ruins of Old Paineel
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Terp got mad and delvled his wizard over classic resist and had it out for me ever since.

Cyren received said items and ended up running you off the box and wiping his ass with ur ego.

I know the story and I was there for server first Vulak etc HB and you don't have the remind me.

I was also witness to when u alt tabbed into ff14 as a raid leader (notorious warm body afker on ff14 raids, afking 2 raids at once wow)

Outside of the hilarious forest loop story and everything else - the truelt worst was when u sacrified yourself on the Good Guys altar when we told u not to be a retard (ignorance does not spare the rich) and go near KC prior to the big fight (you died and we all decided this was typical HBK "head strong" goon brainery). If I could only count how many times you trashed the guild and leadership in tells the whole time...