Thread: Sontalak
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Old 12-03-2014, 02:06 AM
Lazie Lazie is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 647

Killed Sontalak tonight. Some notes about concerns in this thread.

-His Hitbox seems fixed it is huge now.

-His Molten breath went off quite a bit resisted most of them pretty consistently. A few partials and one max hit me.

-He isn't slowable period right now. Needs to be flagged slowable.

-I don't recall a 700 DD on Sontalak. His AE is a proc for 650 max. Which seems to be working properly.Went off twice in 4 seconds during the kill at least once.

[Tue Dec 02 21:54:28 2014] Your body combusts as the lava hits you. You have taken 650 points of damage.
[Tue Dec 02 21:54:32 2014] You resist the Molten Breath spell!

I think they were calling his AE a DD for some reason.