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Old 10-03-2013, 03:00 PM
Seary Seary is offline

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 72

Heartbrand was CC'd over 100 times by Duke Nizzarr in early release and I (along with fiegi) stayed up for what seemed like 2 days straight to rez every single one of his corpses to get EXP back... so this random guy that I didn't even know wouldn't quit red99 and his dream of being an emperor, and how does he repay me?

After he had joined Holocaust, we were randomly grouped in SRO, no one in the zone and I disconnected randomly - he proceeded to deguild himself and kick me from the group, and then kill me. He proceeded to post a screenshot for another 18 months and tell people he killed me in PVP.

Fuckin' jew.