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Old 02-17-2017, 05:51 PM
Siberious Siberious is online now

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Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 274

My understanding is because it's primary slot, in addition to the best mod on a drum. You can have something in secondary at same time for more stats.

Also less items to swap in and out since you can leave a weapon or shield in OH at the same time. I've barely played my bard so far (lvl 17) and only having to swap instrument with primary is wayyy nicer then taking primary out, then swapping secondary items, then doing it in reverse when you want to take instrument off.

The less swapping = luxury item in a sense so people are willing to pay a lot to more so they don't have to swap so many items around. Looks like a great quality of life item to me. Also SG is one of the few difficult dungeons in the game, so it's not easily farmed by just anyone.