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Old 08-21-2019, 12:35 AM
frantz256255 frantz256255 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada
Posts: 109
Default Dreadland tonight...........

Tonight I discovered the worst kind of players that can be egotistical in Everquest. There are people who would need to seek treatment or go see their psychologist, it is intense!

Still the eternal debate camps, I have no trouble with that but come on ....

We were in Dreadland tonight as it often happens, and we play quietly in the North Wall when there were other people. The other nights, nobody called me a monster thief, but tonight ... OMG I was not allowed to hit a single monster in the North Wall area .... This area must have 30 mosntres and do not tell me that a group of 5-6 are capable of all the killers in a record time to give themselves the right to claim the area.

I had forgotten how some person could not have matured over the years, it's sad.

Good night