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Old 05-01-2014, 10:23 AM
orran orran is offline

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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 76

I appreciate all the advice / input from everybody. It really is all about the journey. and if the journey is just griefer's with level 60 out of range druids It might not be the journey for me. I'm going to try to press on and keep playing, a few friends this morning told me screw it they are going back to blue, but im going to keep trying. Like I said before this isnt the first time ive come across this on this server. It has been Flowers of Happiness every time though, this is just the first time i'm finally saying something about it because I actually got a SS this time.

For some reason everybody thinks I just want to exp as a new player. I want to pvp but it doesnt seem like many other people below 50 are interested in that. I guess you could call an invincible twinked sk with a 60 oor healer/buffer pvp but its not the kind of pvp im looking for.