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Old 07-30-2014, 04:03 PM
captnamazing captnamazing is offline

Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Rivervale
Posts: 1,481

The facts were these:
Runnyeye had something wrong with it.
More than just the usual dumb, greedy goblin sort of problem

Wubblefarvin had sent a patrol down in there
To parlay with the Goblin King,
as the festival of Happy Summer was near at hand
And it was good for business, both ours and their's,
If Mooto wasn't sighted by the travelers.

Out of the four hobbits on the patrol, only one returned
and he came back beaten and bloody
with a sack tied around his neck...

What was in the sack? I asked Wubblefarvin
The old hobbit's hand clenched on his glass,
he turned to me, pale like diamond dust
"The bag," he said, "was filled with six halfling feet."

If I was as smart as I am brave
I would have dipped
Not only was that terrifying... but where could a goblin get a bag that big?
Something about this whole case just didn't smell right.. and it wasn't my feet