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Old 10-28-2019, 03:36 PM
DromalPhrenia DromalPhrenia is offline

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 168
Default The Acolyte - Algae Covered Flesh not dropping

My friends and I recently adventured to Qeynos, one of many times, and decided to take the boat to Erud's Crossing. The plan was to kill Zombie Sailors, to get Algae Covered Flesh for the Acolyte Anklet quest

However, after an hour of clearing the spawns regularly, we had no fleshes drop. We did get several maps. I mention this because previously the flesh was common, and the map was rare. The map now seems common, and the flesh, from what we can tell, does not drop at all.

We have not checked the other zombies for this quest, so it is possible they have the same issue.