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Old 03-22-2019, 06:12 PM
Boarder981 Boarder981 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 35
Default Shaman race dilemma: Re-roll?

I have a lvl 51 Barbarian Shaman, my highest level character. Due to some very generous people and my awesome guild, I’ve acquired a few decent pieces of equipment:

Ceremonial Iksar Chestplate
Thurgadin Legs
SoW clicky boots

Everything else is OK, not great. I’m also max faction for my epic, so tear and last fight to go.

In any case - I’ve always liked how Troll Shamans look, and I feel kinda gimped without the racial regen; I think it ramps up to an extra 10 or 12 hp/tick in the 50s! I wish I had re-rolled sooner, but now I’m feeling a little “locked in” due to all the effort I’ve put into my Barb.

I know people say “once you get Torpor it doesn’t matter”. I don’t get to play nearly as often as I’d like, so let’s assume a few things:

1. I won’t reach level 60
2. I can’t afford Torpor
3. I don’t have the resources to get epic, or the plat to MQ tear

Given the above, do you think it’s worth it to re-roll Troll? Will the extra regen make a big difference? I appreciate any input!