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Old 07-05-2011, 11:20 AM
Striiker Striiker is offline
Fire Giant

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While we're at it, I thought I'd offer some additional advice.
1) UPDATE all of your software on your computer. This means the stuff other than the Microsoft software. Typical vectors which are used include Adobe software such as flash and reader, java, etc. With the flash vulnerabilities, you can infect your computer by just visiting a website which has the malicious code in it. This can include visiting trusted websites as they often serve up ad images from ad servers and some of these images have been infected with the code which in turn can compromise your computer.
2) Avoid running your computer as a user with admin rights. Difficult to do with Windows but worth it.
3) Never click on links in emails (ever).
4) Install plugins in your web browsers such as those mentioned
5) Avoid using Internet Explorer. It's much more tightly integrated into the operating system than third party browsers and is often a target for compromising systems.
Fearstalker - Enchanter
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