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Old 07-10-2018, 11:19 PM
Goodboy Goodboy is offline

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 43
Default Religion has a role, even for non believers

Over the past 50 years people have stopped going to church and adhering to religious sects. Many of these people who stopped going to church, still believe in God. They say, "I don't need a church to worship God." Or "Church is full of people that will try to make me celibate"

I'm not making the argument that all churches are equal. Nor am I saying that you can't worship God without a church.

What I am saying is that a lot of things that have been taught in churches for the past thousand years have tremendous value. Typically church go-ers hear the errors of their ways more frequently than if they hadn't gone. A good example of this is the denunciation of viewing pornography. In a nutshell; porn gets you less sex and lackluster sex. Porn has been denounced by church leaders for thousand of years but it hasn't been until recently that psycologists have found a negative link between porn and sexual wellness. All the while liberal society has been telling young boys to vedge out on porn like it's a healthy source of recreation.

On the other hand, where I think a lot of young men get turned off by religion (among other things) is over zealous preaching of sex. I.E Jesus says "don't look on another woman to lust after her," and someone wrongfully takes that to "sex is bad and boners are bad and good looking women are bad and having a lot of sex with your wife is bad or having sex without the thought of having kids is bad" etc etc.

But in today's world, many young men aren't hearing both sides of morality at home, definitely not hearing it at school, and unfortunately not hearing it at church because they don't go. Traditionally churches have taught morals and it's been up to the hearer to follow or not.

I have more thoughts on all this but will continue tomorrow. Would like to see what some of you think about this.