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Old 06-15-2019, 02:57 AM
Sguchi Sguchi is offline

Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 177
Arrow Blue or Red server? Which is best in 2019?


You can either begin your quest on the blue server or the red server.

On the blue server you will often take turns for mobs due to high population and people try to run to hit mobs first to be able to kill the mob.

On red you can kill the person camping the Ancient Cyclops for example so that you can take the spawn instead of waiting in line. Or also it might just be up for you ready for your conquest.

Not only are the foes in the game world but you could be attacked by someone in range to you at any moment. It adds a huge layer of excitement and fun to the game. Alongside there be pvping, this also creates an atmosphere for true alliances with more meaning. There is also better exp for grouping!

Make a character on Red server and start adventuring!