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Old 01-29-2021, 03:18 AM
Selene Selene is offline

Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 131
Default Druid role in raids

Hi everyone,

I've never raided before and have a question about druids and also raiding guilds in general. I'll be honest, I'm not so sure if I want to or can commit to raiding seriously, but I'd imagine I'd probably want to try it out a bit from time to time and probably also because it may be necessary to get some nice stuff for my two toons (I have a druid and a pally).

So hopefully I can get some thoughtful replies on what the role of a druid is during raids? Are we useful? Even if we don't match the healing power of a cleric, are we still actively involved and healing people? I think I care more about the quality of the gameplay than about whether or not I'm actually all that critical to the team (for example, even if a mage's call of the hero or mod rods are really important, I couldn't stand doing that).

Also, how do most raiding guilds decide who gets the spoils for their toons? My main concern is that I'd maybe want to help my paladin out but since they've got a very limited role in raids, I figure maybe my druid can pay her dues and participate/help out in raids to win gear for the pally? Or does a raiding guild not work that way usually? Am I allowed to use my druid to help gear my paladin in raid gear?

Thanks everyone!