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Old 07-30-2020, 09:16 AM
kjs86z kjs86z is offline

Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: St. Pete, FL
Posts: 1,541

Shaman - if you wanna be RP bros go Barb so you're both good races and can run over to the same towns to sell / bank / resupply. Ogre is the end-game min/maxers choice due to FSI and Troll is the best pre-torpor due to racial regen.

Slow is the most efficient "heal" in the game. Melee stat buffs help out pallyman white damage. SoW is nice for when you travel around a bit. Your kill speed will be slow as a duo but it will be safe and steady. When played correctly should be basically zero downtime once you get your full "kit."

Add an enchanter, rogue, necro, bard, or mage for a superb trio.
Last edited by kjs86z; 07-30-2020 at 09:33 AM..