Thread: To everyone
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Old 12-05-2021, 07:14 PM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 6,357

Ppl used to talk more. And play games. Run in circles.

Now I notice ppl just mill about at druid portals although still a lot of fun random encounters. A wizard in a flashy oracle robe chased me into Kithicor running after a big bear right as the scary undead where about to spawn to hand me a shralock pack. Ppl seem pretty chill about 50% of the time.

Ignore the grumpies. They came to Norrath to escape their grind and brought it with them. They usually have flashy guild tags and magelos and just put every stat point into STA. Can't help them. Can run in circles around them casting blu sparklies and repeatedly ducking.