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Old 01-14-2020, 04:05 PM
ineubis ineubis is offline

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Posts: 157
Default Gear upgrade advice

Looking for some guidance on my gear in terms of upgrades. Magelo is up-to-date. I know I have some low hanging fruit to replace, such as a Diamondine Earring and Hero Bracers, but with what? I want the most bang for my buck.

We do HOT weekly, but TBH most slots of HOT armor aren't night and day better than most of my current stuff... margainly better for most slots. Regardless I will keep going. I haven't won anything yet.

I have roughly 22-23K to my name (if I can manage to liquidate 5-6K worth of stuff - so let's say 20K) however I know that the tunnel doesn't have as many options as it once had. I would also be interested in items I could farm myself or with a group.

I could also redo the Hole portion of the SK epic (have another Cell Key in the bank) to regain the Will of Innoruuk and the Head of the Valiant. But there are plenty of other earring/chest items to go with too.

I'm done exp'ing (on this toon) so I don't have any goals other than to just toughen up overall. Moar survival. Last longer.

If you were handed my toon and 20Kpp what would be your first move(s)?

Thank you.
[60 Grave Lord] Ineubis (Dark Elf) <The Second Sons> (Blue)
[47 Druid] Haff (Halfling) <The Second Sons> (Blue)
[16 Druid] Grovelove (Halfling) <Oath Keeper> (Green... no, Teal... no, Green!)