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Old 01-09-2021, 07:29 PM
nostalgiaquest nostalgiaquest is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nederland
Posts: 803

went through the same phase a while back. Judging by what I’ve gathered from your previous postings these are my recommendations.

The Black Company - The first three books (The books of the North) are great. I’d describe it as dark fantasy. It’s about a mercenary group that gets into some shit. The books aren’t too long and all three of them are good. The story continues past the three books, but they’re a stand alone story on their own.

The First Law - Three book stand alone series. It’s real gritty. Lots of violence. Really entertaining. Fun read.

The Dark Tower - 7 books, so it’s a bit more of a journey, but it’s Stephen King. It’s cool because he wrote the series over the course of his career (first book in 1982, final in 2004) so you can see him mature as a writer throughout the series. I’ll warn that it gets a bit tedious in the middle books, but that’s also when King was heavy into drugs, so it kinda makes sense. Overall a good read though.

The wheel of Time - its 14 fucking books, and they’re all pretty long. And it gets wayyyy up it’s own ass in the middle. It becomes a downright chore to get through at times. BUT, if you can get through it, it’s a good series. It took me over a year to power through. Was a weird feeling when it was finally over. I felt like Frodo after the destroying the ring. My advice is to listen to it on tape when you’re driving to work.

Mistborn series - I finished this recently. It’s three books and pretty good. Has a new interesting take on a magic system and overall the plot is good. Same author (brandon sanderson) also has a series called Stormlight Archive that I plan on reading next.

The Sword of Truth - I read the first one but never really got into it. It felt too “traditional”, if that makes sense. I was able to telegraph the upcoming plot. But people like it, so I should go back and give it another go.

Malazaan Book of the Fallen - This is a rad series, but it’s hard to get into. Took me a few tries, and I haven't finished it. It throws you into the middle of a complex story and you just gotta roll with it and accept that for a while you’re going to be real confused. Some people love it, some hate it.
Last edited by nostalgiaquest; 01-09-2021 at 07:41 PM..