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Old 12-20-2020, 01:08 AM
Jerri Jerri is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 137
Default Black Screen - video crashes?

So I've been having this intermittent problem for a while. Game is running fine, and all of a sudden a black screen. You can hear the game is still running, but it's as if the video driver has stopped or something. There are certain spots around Norrath that are definately worse than others.

Alt + Enter works to fix this maybe 1/10, most of the times it just results in the game crashing.

I read somewhere that it was maybe the difference between game resolution and your desktop resolution? Also maybe using WinEQ?

My setup is as follows:
Windows 10
Geforce RTX 2080 Super
Compatability mode set to WinXP SP3
Window mode 1920 x 1080
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