Thread: Taxes
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Old 03-08-2018, 06:04 PM
Ethelen2001 Ethelen2001 is offline

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Default Taxes

Vicus Nonad's Taxes in Qeynos.

I have all taxes except the Mira Sayer's one. She said me Flynn Merrington steal it from her.

I go to the pub Crow and speak to him.

He says me : "Ha! Yeah, I took their tax money. What are you going to do about it, little gnoll pup? Tell you what.. I will cut you a deal. You tell me you are a [gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet] and I will give you that merchant's tax money."

I answered : "I am a gnoll loving weakling who isn't fit to comb my feet"

Nothing happened.

He is apprehensively to me, but it's not noticed at all in the quest we must have an indifferent faction or better.