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Old 01-25-2018, 12:10 PM
stev0k420 stev0k420 is offline

Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 51
Default Apex Monopoly / Apex constantly boxing

Server is going downhill because of tunes stranglehold on Tov, come on veterans camp your chars at tov entrance and log on during vyemm fight to wipe 40. Only takes 1 random to help put a end to this Target boxed clerics is a guaranteed ch chain wipe. If you need to know what clerics are being boxed ask in ooc on an alt there are multiple good Samaritans who can point you in the right direction.

Does anyone know policy on a Max ally tov character attacking a pull team? If I rapture an Apex monk training 4way and use instant clicks to break fd is this a bannable offense?

What's the deal with boxing policy seen multiple people get fried in the past two weeks boxing sub 60s but I see Apex boxing everyday, if your fighting one better get ready cause someone is boxing leen latergator or sleepyy to come lure you. Tremor has a permanent port boy named pheelinx appears he is always boxing. Are GM s just looking the other way? Is Sharknado kicking in to the admins does anyone else see this or deal with this issue on a day to day basis. I'm not on right now but I would be willing to bet in 2 hours there will be Apex logged in from the same ip.