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Old 06-11-2021, 02:36 PM
starkind starkind is offline

Join Date: Apr 2021
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so this is how it went down

Seru was as gud boi

the combine was set to add the dark elves under the leadership of tsaph katta because Seru was badass and did all the work and the dark elves were like all alone and didn't really have a chance against the combine, they couldn't stand the idea of bein in an empire with the high elfs

the dark elves were pretty unhappy with this and a faction within the dark elfs is who really poisoned Tsaph, framing Seru

Seru saw and liek knew this was going down and said, fuck it, i'll just use this as an excuse to wipe out the dork elves because they obviously don't want to be cool and it was Tsaph's followers who went berserk and rebelled against Seru and broke the combine empire.

Obviously Seru is a badass so he won. Anyway. And thats why Katta is full of Vampires and its' streets are not even safe at night. And why they founded the city on the night side.

I'm pretty sure they are the bad guys and Seru is just looking out for what remains of his empire kicking out the scum from his city who would do again what happened to Tsaph.