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Old 02-25-2020, 11:58 AM
zaneosak zaneosak is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 971

I am a new enchanter myself, Level 40 now and I am enjoying it alot. I primarily am duo-ing with a cleric friend so it's probably alot different than grouping but there is something awesome/exciting about getting a crit resist and having 5 mobs come at you and managing all the mobs, being ready for charm breaks, and just figuring out what to do in all these crazy potential situations. And realizing the ridiculous power the class has makes you feel like there will be alot to do at 50. I enjoyed my druid but root rotting and quadding got boring in the 40s. There is something about charming a Grobb guard who hits for 110 dmg and giving him 50% haste and watching him slaughter everything that feels pretty cool!