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Old 05-13-2019, 03:12 PM
NegaStoat NegaStoat is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 780

as a fresh low level enchanter, I would highly recommend asking a higher level magician to make you a Modulation Rod and use that to melee with, and store it on a level 1 corpse alt between play sessions on your run from levels 1-8. You will easily outdamage your animation with its ratio, and after level 8 you start getting real combat spells (well, for an enchanter) so that outdamaging the animation isn't an issue.

Some players are okay with frequent charm breaks in using charm from level 12+. Some like myself aren't and will use an animation up to about level 20, at which point you get your first Charisma buff and really shouldn't be using the animation past that.

The big issue with charm breaks are your level when compared to the target's level, the target's magic resistance, and your charisma as a tertiary value. In the teens, something that cons blue to you doesn't have as much level-room leeway when compared to your actual level as you gain in the 20's, in which case mobs stay blue for more levels.

Edit - this isn't to say that you'll never ever use an Animation for hunting as an enchanter over Charming. In some cases, specifically dungeon diving for key mob killing, popping out an animation, buffing it, turning it into a werewolf, etc, is an efficient way of making something dead in cramped spaces. There are a few good videos on Youtube showing off how it works and why it's a good idea in those specific cases.

Edit 2 - Crede below is honestly right. At 16 with Breeze in your spellbook, stop the melee and start charming if you've been reluctant in doing it.
Last edited by NegaStoat; 05-13-2019 at 03:29 PM..