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Old 05-18-2016, 01:46 AM
RDawg816 RDawg816 is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 820

You can also solo in HPH and UGuk until you find a group.
HPH: 20-24 Root rot the orcs...use corners to med while rotting casters. Train to zone or guards as needed.
UGuk: 24+ Root rot the scryer camp. You can leave the shaman on the ledge alone and just do the 3 in the room and the 2 just outside. Alternatively, you can go down the ramp and kill the ones in the hallway.
*Source: I leveled my shaman this way. I would solo and just invite anyone in my level range to join me. It's a good way to find a static set of friends with similar play times.