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Old 03-13-2023, 12:54 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,479

This is also whyyy and I’ve said this many times before too, major behavior problems form kids will have a FAR FAR more negative impact on everyone else’s around education than funding ever could

And it’s because of staff burnout. We JUST last month had a brand new therapist on a call at a behavioral school for delinquent kids who have past charges. Happened to have an attractive female co-worker that day. Was talking to this 15yr old ish who was frequently making very inappropriate sexual comments to the co-worker. So the therapist guy said “please be respectful with us as we are with you”

Kid got furious and socked him in the nose. Dude quit that day. Master’s level therapist, probably started at above $60k on his first job out of college. Still noped right out of there