Thread: Raid windows
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Old 07-25-2016, 02:15 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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Default Raid windows

As those of you that have been here awhile know, all raid targets have + or - 8 hours to their window. This means that any guild that wants raid targets on this server needs to have people willing to stare at their spawn for up to 16 hours.

To prevent guilds from "camping" raid zones for days on end, there are "first to engage" rules on raid targets. The first guild that has someone run up from the entrance and aggro the mob gets an hour to kill the target.

Racing to the mob is pretty fun. Sitting there for 15 hours and change in not. It basically disqualifies anyone but the most hardcore guilds from competing. It requires a minority of players to do the "tracking" work for the guild. Not to put too fine a point on it, but you can imagine how this breeds resentment and burnout. It also kind of creates a race to the bottom with the p99 player base.

There are three options I see:

1) Keep the status quo.

2) Lower the windows. If a dragon is only in window for 8 hours, all kinds of people can race for it. 8 Hours really isn't that much staring between several people. It will also allow a little more racing and a little less staring. If it were up to me the window would be only 4 hours, but ill settle for 8.

3) raise the windows. The hope is that if there are 48 hour windows or something crazy, people will stop tracking the dragons...this never really works on making the sever less hardcore, it just makes it more hardcore. But it is true that technically there is less insta-engaging.

Vote for the one of the 3 options if you have an opinion please. If you don't care don't vote.